A. Orders

I want to buy only one manual, do I pay the full shipping costs?

You have the option to have your manual sent by Großbrief.

This shipping method will only be displayed if you only have manuals in your shopping cart. If there is something else in your shopping cart, we can not send the order by Großbrief.

This shipping method is currently only available for orders within Germany. Shipping by Großbrief is not insured.


When I put the items in the shopping cart, are they already reserved for me?

No! Only when the order is completed, the items will be reserved for you.


I am not sure if my order has gone through.

An unmistakable sign that your order has gone through is the order confirmation email you will receive. If you haven't received it, check your spam folder first. If you don't find it there either, just to be on the safe side, ask us.


Can I add something to my order later?

After we have received your order, various processes take place to ensure that your order arrives quickly. Unfortunately, it is not possible to interrupt these processes in order to change your order lateron.


I have two/more orders that can be shipped together. Is it possible?

Unfortunately, it is not possible for us to ship orders that have already been paid for together. Also here are different processes involved, which can not be easily interrupted by us.

Tip: With the shipping method "collective order" you can complete several orders (order and pay), which will then be shipped together. This way you save shipping costs and have time to continue browsing the store for your favorite products.


I could not redeem my coupon code, what can I do?

Some characters look very similar, so try to use the other one first for 0 and o, for example, or 1 and I.

If it still doesn't work, complete the order, choose prepayment as your payment method and write your voucher code in the comment field. We will then verify it, send you an order confirmation and, if you wish, also a PayPal payment request.


How can I make an important comment about the order?

It is best to write it in the comment field before you complete the order. If you leave a comment, it is important to know that your order will be processed separately and will therefore take a little longer to be shipped.


I have not received a payment request after placing the order. Do I still receive an e-mail?

No, you can consider your order confirmation as a payment request. At the bottom of the e-mail you will find our bank details if you want to pay in advance. 


How can I pay for my order later?

If you have accidentally selected the wrong payment method or the process has been canceled, you can still make your payment later.

Either you can send the money via PayPal to the e-mail address info@alexandra-renke.com or you can pay your order via bank transfer.

Please use the following bank details:
Reason for payment: *your order number
IBAN: DE65370502991375036614
Alexandra Renke-Flanderka
account number: 1375036614
BANK CODE: 370 50299


  • Credit card payment is not possible afterwards!
  • Payments deviating from the amount cannot be automatically assigned in the system and require 2 to 3 working days longer in processing.


I have received a tracking number but nothing is happening for days. Can you guys help me?

First of all, it may actually take a little while for the status of the shipment to change, so have a little patience. If there is still nothing within a week, email us, we will then file a transit time complaint with DHL, this will nudge the shipment again and the package should move on within 48 hours.

If the transit time complaint did not help, we will do an investigation with DHL.

Unfortunately, since the number of items is limited and the order has gone out with us, we cannot resend the order. We therefore ask for your patience.

If your order has found its way to you in the meantime, please inform us about this as well.


The status of the order says "in process", what does that mean?

The order has been shipped by us and is being processed by DHL.

I received a damaged package from DHL, what can I do?

We ask you to reject visibly damaged packages!

Please inform us via info@alexandra-renke.com if you have rejected such a damaged package. We will then inform you about the next steps.

If you have accepted a damaged package, please take pictures, keep the original box and contact us immediately.


I have a drop-off permit for my packages. Who is liable in the event of damage?

By issuing a drop-off permit, the recipient assumes liability for his or her parcel. Therefore, if you have issued a drop-off permit to DHL, we cannot assume any liability for damaged packages.


B. App

Do I need a new password for the app?

No, it is the same password as for the experience world.


Can I put something in the same shopping cart both on the computer and in the app?

This is not advisable, as there may be synchronization difficulties and your shopping cart may then be empty.


I can't add or delete items in my shopping cart, what can I do?

If you have an Apple device, please log out once and log in again. This should solve the problem. If you still have problems, please contact us.

If you have an Android device, you should also try to solve the problem by logging out and logging in again.

If the problem still persists, you will need to clear the app's cache as follows:

Go to your settings > Apps > alexandraRenke > Memory > Clear cache.


C. Product questions

My die does not cut cleanly, do you have a tip?

Put a wax or glassine paper in the die cutter with it - that way the punch goes through smoother. Also, make sure the plates are still in good condition.
If the result is still not satisfactory, you can send us a photo of the punched paper and the punch itself. And then, of course, send the punch back to us so we can inspect it.

By the way... our dies are designed for our design paper (200gr) and work best with it.